A comprehensive approach to assess organizational resilience | Stolker, R., Karydas, D. M., Rouvroye, J. L., van Gestel, P., Roset, S., Ratelband, A. E. | 7717 |
A method for assessing health and safety management systems from a resilience engineering perspective | Costella, M. F., Saurin, T. A., Guimaraes, L. B. de M. | 5282 |
A quick and dirty evaluation of resilience enhancing properties in safety critical systems | Johansson, B., Lindgren, M. | 3253 |
A systems dynamics representation of resilience | Wears, R. L., Perry, S. J. | 4089 |
Agility and resilience in offshore operations | Wahl, A. M., Brurok, T., Sleire, H. | 2863 |
BP Texas City accident: weak signals or sheer power? | Le Coze, J. C. | 1015 |
Challenges facing Resilience Engineering as a theoretical and practical project | McDonald, N. | 2761 |
Characterisation of the variation in Safety Beliefs across the European Aviation Industry | Steele, K., Pariès, J. | 2250 |
Cognitive resilience in Emergency Room operations, a theoretical framework | Bracco, F., Gianatti, R., Pisano, L. | 3116 |
Cognitive strategies in emergency and abnormal situations training: implications for resilience in Air Traffic Control | Malakis, S., Kontogiannis, T. | 4543 |
Coordination in hospitals: organized or emergent process? Towards the idea of Resilience as the agents', groups', systems' capacity to project themselves into the future | A. S. Nyssen | 1605 |
Encouraging people to do resilience | Komatsubara, A. | 2801 |
Enhancing inter-organizational resilience by loose coupling concept and complexity paradigm | Lalouette, C., Pavard, B. | 3268 |
Evolution of complex systems before, during and after crisis | Jacques, J. M. | 1964 |
From Flight Time limitations to Fatigue Risk Management Systems | Cabon, P., Mollard, R., Debouck, F., Chaudron, L, Grau, J. Y., Deharvengt, S. | 2623 |
Identifying resilience in emergency response stories | dos Reis,, M. I. | 2639 |
Improving Resilience by "Pinging" to determine risk profile changes during maintenance work | Lay, B., Wreathall, J. | 1399 |
Is Resilience Engineering realist or constructivist? | Le Coze, J. C. & Pettersen, K. | 3079 |
Is Safety Quality? Is Quality Safety? | Cardiff, KA. | 2004 |
Leading indicators applied to maintenance in the framework of resilience engineering: a conceptual approach | Herrera, I. | 2814 |
Methodological issues in the quest of resilience factors | | 2308 |
Modelling risk in Financial Services Systems: A Functional Risk Modelling Perspective | Sundstrom, G. A. & Hollnagel, E. | 2357 |
Resilience and brittleness in a Nuclear Emergency Response Simulation | Costa, W. S., Voshell, M., Branlat, M., Woods, D., Gomes, J. O., Buarque, L. | 2494 |
Resilience assessment based on models of functional resonance | Woltjer, R. | 3436 |
Resilience in rail engineering work | Ferreira, P., Clarke, T., Wilson, J., Sharples, S., Ryan, B. | 1949 |
Resilience in the training of nuclear operators - a view from the shop floor | Hildebrandt, M. | 2223 |
Resilience, adaptation and improvisation - increasing resilience by organising for successful improvisation | Grøtan, T. O., Størseth, F., Rø, M. H., Skjerve, A. B. | 4778 |
Securing organizational resilience in escalating situations: Development of skills for crisis and disaster management | Bergström, J., Petersen, K., Dahlström, N. | 2273 |
The art of balance: a study of conflicting goals in a change intensive system | Tjørhom, B. B., Aase, K. | 3850 |
The ERTMS railway signalling system: deals on wheels? An inquiry into the safety architecture of high speed train safety | Dekker, S., Stoop, J. | 3542 |
The quantification of resilience: learning environments and managing risk | Duffey, R. B. | 2762 |
Towards an integrated vulnerability and resilience analysis for underground infrastructures | Cagno, E., Grande, O., Trucco, P. | 2450 |
When worlds collide: interactions between inpatient and outpatient medication administration systems | Wears, R. L., Perry, S. J., Spillane, J. | 1577 |