2006 Sophia Antipolis (F)

2nd Resilience Engineering International Symposium
Sophia Antipolis (France), 8 – 10 November 2006

Can remote operations of process facilities in the oil and gas industry become more resilient based on common experiences from other industries?Andersen, S. & Johnsen, S. O.2728
Using simulation of accidents to assess resilience capacities of organizations: Do aircrews trained and working within a same organization develop similar adaptive strategies to cope with complex situations?Bourgeon, L.; Valot, C. & Navarro,C.1929
Using subjective measures to monitor the systems’ capability to manage complexity – evidence from the nuclear industry and health careOedewald, P. & Reiman, T.2260
A conceptual and methodological comparison with the field of child resilienceLe Coze, J. C. & Capo, S.1855
A model of resilience to guide accident investigationsLundberg, J. & Johanssen, B.3980
A review of the processes for tailoring models for a priori safety and risk management within industrySteele, K.P & Paries, J.3551
Adaptive Capacity: Electric Power Restoration in New York City following the 11 September 2001 AttacksMendonca, D. & Wallace, W. A.3154
All coherence gone: New Orleans as a resilience failureWestrum, R.4639
Contributions and limitations of “drift into failure” and “safety boundaries” identification and management in accident investigationsAslanides, M.3011
Extemporaneous adaptation to evolving complexity: A case study of resilience in healthcarePerry, S. J.;Wears, R. L. & Anderson, B.1905
Goal conflicts in helicopter safety: Dilemmas across maintenance, pilots, and managementda Mata, T. F.; Santos, A. G.; Abech, M. P.; Gomes, J. O.; Huber, G. J. & Woods, D. D.2245
Growing resilience engineering through safety culture: the example of process safety in pharmaceutical chemistryChevreau, F.R.3329
How to prevent a Normal Accident in a High Reliable Organisation? The art of resilience, a case study in the chemical industryLe Coze, J. C. & Dupre, M.2720
Human defense-in-depth is dependent on cultureKomatsubara, A.2282
Information Technology (IT) in Resilient LogisticsGrøtan, T. O. & Asbjørnslett, B. E.2021
Interactive Elaboration Method for Flight Deck Display based on Internal and External Knowledge Representations of Expert PilotsKarikawa, D.;T akahashi, M.; Ishibashi, A. & Kitamura, M.2736
Limits on adaptation: Modeling Resilience and Brittleness in Hospital Emergency DepartmentsAnders, S.; Woods, D. D.; Wear, R. L. & Perry, S. J.3378
Making safety by tying the knotLützhöft, M.; Sherwood Jones, B.; Earthy, J. V. & Bergquist, C.2563
Missed or failed error recovery in medication errorsHabraken, M. & van der Schaaf, T.2513
Model-based evaluation of resilience for networked aviation systemBeauchamp, E.2810
Modelling operational systemsMcDonald, N. & Morrison, R.1696
Next Generation Air Transportation System: Human- Automation Interaction and Organizational RisksSheridan, T. B.2406
On The Art of Creating and Managing Policies: Facilitating the Emergence of ResilienceSundström, G. A.& Hollnagel, E.3180
Perceived complexity versus internal complexity What happens when things go wrong?Boy, G. & Bradshaw, J.2308
Pitfalls in predefining the safety performance of the future Air Traffic Management system if using a nonresilient safety assessment approachSträter, O.; Leonhardt, D.; Durrett, D. & Hartung, J.2357
Proposition of a conceptual and a methodological modelling framework for resilience engineeringRigaud, E. & Guarnieri, F.2641
Reasoning about human error by modelling cognition and interactionBlandford, A.; Back, J.; Curzon, P.; Li, S. & Rukšenas, R.2451
Resilience and Safety Management SystemDijkstra, A.8830
Resilience Engineering: A Nascent Approach to MeasurementWreathall, J. & Woods, D. D.2322
Resilience of a telecoms supervision and maintenance organizationBoissieres, I. & Marsden, E.3015
Resilience of Emergency Response SystemKanno, T. & Furuta, K.2903
Resilience of maintenance organization in a chemical industryTazi, D. & Amalberti, R.3732
Resilience, Safety management, Social structuralism and Systemic adaptationSpecht, M. & Poumadere, M.2399
Risk informed operations, a key element to control drifting in the safety spaceHerrera, I. A.; Tveiten, C. K. & Tinmannsvik, R. K.3271
Rules management as source for loose coupling in high-risk systemsGrote, G.3007
The design of robust socio technical systemsPavard, B.; Dugdale, J.; Narges, B.& Salembier, P.4000
The interplay between work practices and prescription: a key issue for organizational resilienceNathanael, D. & Marmaras, N.2659
The role of nuclear power plant operators’ communications in providing resilience and stability in system operation.de Carvalho P.V.R.; dos Santos I. L.; Gomes J. O. & da Silva Borges, M. R2920
Towards a new state of resilience of the sea fishing industry?Morel, G2393
Towards a new tool for measuring Safety Management Systems performanceCambon, J.;Guarnieri, F. & Groeneweg, J.4695
Unexampled Events, PRA, and ResilienceEpstein, S.2309
Using complexity theories to reveal emerged patterns that erode the resilience of complex systemsZabourtis, N. & Wright, P.2882
Using simulation of accidents to assess resilience capacities of organizationsWybo, J. L.; Jacques, J.-M. & Poumadere, M.2195
Vigilance: a process contributing to the resilience of organisationsBrizon, A. & Wybo, J. L.2914
“Free fall” – a case study of resilience, its degradation, and recovery in an emergency departmentWears, R. L. & Perry, S. J.2449