

The Safety of Work with Dr. Drew Rae and Dr. David Provan from the Safety Science Innovation Lab at Griffith University

Pre-Accident Investigation Podcast with Dr. Todd Conklin, Los Alamos National Laboratory

The Naturalistic Decision Making Podcast with Brian Moon, Perigean Technologies and Laura Militello, Applied Decision Science

Embracing Differences with Dr. Nippin Anand, Novellus Solutions


Pre-Accident Investigation Podcast session David Woods “explained four action capabilities needed to move forward”. This is based on the article developed by Alderson, Woods and Seager.

Dekker on Rasmussen. A lot of people around the world working with safety is influenced by the legacy from Jens Rasmussen. Sydney Dekker shared a talk reflecting on Jens Ramussen’s work and legacy. 

Near misses – origins, triangles and challenges with Carsten Busch. Busch is a tutor at Lund University and an incident investigator for police in Oslo, Norway.