Tag Archives: complexity

Knowledge, strategies, practices to respond to COVID flexibly Ragosta, Bergstrom, Saurin

What knowledge, strategies and practices do we have at hand to respond in a flexible manner to COVID-19? Lessons learned from Resilience Engineering and Societal […]

Integrating Resilience Engineering into Healthcare Improvement: Early wins from an Australian improvement fellowship program

Satyan Chari1, Senior Faculty, CEQ Healthcare Improvement Fellowship Michael Tresillian2, Program Director, CEQ Healthcare Improvement Fellowship Linda McCormack3, Faculty Director, CEQx, Clinical Director – Healthcare […]

Outmaneuvering Complexity in Worlds of Surprise

Contribution from David D. Woods: Matched pair of talks from a complexity workshop in August 2019 leading off with Dave Alderson on Organized Complexity followed […]

David Woods complexity keynote

Watch David Woods’s keynote at the Workshop on Complexity: Advancing the State of Thought and Practice Across Navy, DoD, and FedGov at NSWC Carderock.