Resilience Engineering In Healthcare Moving From Epistemology To Theory And Practice | Anderson Et Al | 3982 |
A Fuzzy Model To Assess Resilience For Safety Management | Grecco Et Al | 2824 |
A Method For Visualizing Trade-offs In En-route Air Traffic Control Tasks | Kirakawa Et Al | 2959 |
Actions Contributed To Disaster Level Reduction Of The Fukushima Accident | Takahashi & Kitamura | 2377 |
Analysis Of Resilience In Offshore Logistics And Emergency Response Using A Theoretically Based Tool | Ose Et Al | 2626 |
Analysis Of The Human Role In The Resilience Of Air Traffic Management | Stroeve Et Al | 2145 |
Are Trade-offs Experienced And If Yes, How Studying Organizational Resilience Through Operators’ Dilemmas | Nathanael Et Al | 1631 |
Assessing Behaviour Towards Organizational Resilience In Aviation | Heese Et Al | 5268 |
Assessing Rio De Janeiro Municipality’s Natural Disaster Prevention Program Against The UN’s Hyogo Protocol | De Souza Et Al | 1913 |
Balancing Efficiency And Safety In Maritime Traffic Management When Approaching A Port | Van Westrenen | 2721 |
Characteristics Of Complex Socio-Technical Systems And Guidelines For Their Management The Role Of Resilience | Saurin Et Al | 2884 |
Considering Trade-offs When Assessing Resilience | Rigaud & Martin | 3102 |
Customer Satisfaction Plays An Important Role A Model To Improve Resiliency Of ICT Service Maintainers | Takayama Et Al | 2688 |
Developing Resilience Signals | Siegel & Schraagen | 2597 |
Episodic Adaptations And Trade-offs Examples From The Victorian Construction Industry | Pillay & Borys | 2038 |
How The Simplification Of Work Can Degrade Safety A Gas Company Case Study | Blazsin Et Al | 2292 |
Identifying Imbalances In A Portfolio Of Safety Metrics The Q4-Balance Framework For Economy-Safety Tradeoffs | Woods Et Al | 1509 |
Levels Of Resilience Moving From Resilience To Resilience Engineering | Wears & Morrison | 2226 |
Modeling Trade-offs' Consequences Propagation And Their Impacts | Rigaud Et Al | 2196 |
Organisational Factors For Enhancing Train Drivers Proactive Behaviours | Fujino Et Al | 2570 |
Performance Variability Black And White Or Shades Of Grey | Cornelissen Et Al. | 1830 |
Planning Measuring Resilience Potential And Early Warnings (SCALES) | Herrera Et Al | 2017 |
Precepts Of Resilience Engineering As Guidelines For Learning Lessons From The Fukushima-Daiichi Accident | Kitamura | 2679 |
Reducing The Potential For Cascade Recognizing And Mitigating Situations That Threaten Business Viability | Walker Et Al | 2535 |
Regulating Interactions Across Multiple Centres Of Control | Igbo Et Al | 2093 |
Resilience In ATM Operations Incorporating Robustness And Resilience In Safety Assessment | Woltjer Et Al | 3055 |
Sending Up A FLARE Enhancing Resilience In Industrial Maintenance Through The Timely Mobilization Of Remote Experts | Lay & Branlat | 744 |
Structure, Agency, And Resilience | Hunte Et Al | 2784 |
The Relevance Of Resources For Resilience At Different Organizational Levels Within The Military Deployment Cycle | Kamphuis & Delahaij | 2644 |
The Resilience Analysis Matrix (RAM) Visualizing Functional Dependencies In Complex Socio-technical Systems | Lundberg & Woltjer | 2584 |
The Stress-Strain Model Of Resilience Operationalizes The Four Cornerstones Of Resilience Engineering | Woods Et Al | 3351 |
To Certify, To Investigate Or To Engineer, That Is The Question | Stoop | 1833 |
Trade-Offs As Symptoms Of Mismatches Between Sociotechnical Systems | Moriarty & Jarvis | 2298 |
Trade-Offs Between Safety And Production During Technical Assistance Of An Aircraft | DiCioccio & Morel | 3029 |
Trade-offs In The Planning Of Rail Engineering Work | Ferreira Et Al | 2610 |
Training Of Resilience Skills For Safer Railways Developing A New Training Program On The Basis Of Lessons From Tsunami Disaster | Haga Et Al | 1744 |
Translating Resilience A Framework To Enhance Communication And Implementation | Longstaff Et Al | 3446 |
Turning Variability Into Emergent Safety | Bracco Et Al. | 2573 |
UAS In (inter)national Airspace | Bakx & Nyce | 1176 |
Under Dangerous Conditions Safety Construction And Safety-related Work Onboard Of Merchant Vessels | Praetorius & Lundh | 1773 |
Understanding Resilience In Flight Operations | Dijkstra, A. | 3745 |
“Staying Ahead Of The Aircraft” And Managing Surprise In Modern Airliners | Rankin Et Al | 2347 |
Designing resilient socio-technical systems - a case study of railway tunnel projects (slides) | Cedergren, A. | 3337 |
Evaluation of organizational resilience : application to essential systems in Quebec (slides) | Catalan,C., Robert, B. | 4064 |
Generating resilience: Handling extraordinarily high work load in high three (Intensity, Technology, Reliability) maintenance work (slides) | Lay, B., Hecht, J., Shaefer, S. | 2592 |
Risk assessment of critical communication infrastructure in railways. (slides) | Johnsen, S. O. | 4574 |
A comprehensive approach to assess organizational resilience | Stolker, R., Karydas, D. M., Rouvroye, J. L., van Gestel, P., Roset, S., Ratelband, A. E. | 7640 |
A method for assessing health and safety management systems from a resilience engineering perspective | Costella, M. F., Saurin, T. A., Guimaraes, L. B. de M. | 5239 |
A quick and dirty evaluation of resilience enhancing properties in safety critical systems | Johansson, B., Lindgren, M. | 3235 |
A systems dynamics representation of resilience | Wears, R. L., Perry, S. J. | 4029 |
Agility and resilience in offshore operations | Wahl, A. M., Brurok, T., Sleire, H. | 2835 |
BP Texas City accident: weak signals or sheer power? | Le Coze, J. C. | 1003 |
Challenges facing Resilience Engineering as a theoretical and practical project | McDonald, N. | 2732 |
Characterisation of the variation in Safety Beliefs across the European Aviation Industry | Steele, K., Pariès, J. | 2234 |
Cognitive resilience in Emergency Room operations, a theoretical framework | Bracco, F., Gianatti, R., Pisano, L. | 3095 |
Cognitive strategies in emergency and abnormal situations training: implications for resilience in Air Traffic Control | Malakis, S., Kontogiannis, T. | 4483 |
Coordination in hospitals: organized or emergent process? Towards the idea of Resilience as the agents', groups', systems' capacity to project themselves into the future | A. S. Nyssen | 1591 |
Encouraging people to do resilience | Komatsubara, A. | 2782 |
Enhancing inter-organizational resilience by loose coupling concept and complexity paradigm | Lalouette, C., Pavard, B. | 3248 |
Evolution of complex systems before, during and after crisis | Jacques, J. M. | 1936 |
From Flight Time limitations to Fatigue Risk Management Systems | Cabon, P., Mollard, R., Debouck, F., Chaudron, L, Grau, J. Y., Deharvengt, S. | 2608 |
Identifying resilience in emergency response stories | dos Reis,, M. I. | 2629 |
Improving Resilience by "Pinging" to determine risk profile changes during maintenance work | Lay, B., Wreathall, J. | 1391 |
Is Resilience Engineering realist or constructivist? | Le Coze, J. C. & Pettersen, K. | 3057 |
Is Safety Quality? Is Quality Safety? | Cardiff, KA. | 1994 |
Leading indicators applied to maintenance in the framework of resilience engineering: a conceptual approach | Herrera, I. | 2793 |
Methodological issues in the quest of resilience factors | | 2300 |
Modelling risk in Financial Services Systems: A Functional Risk Modelling Perspective | Sundstrom, G. A. & Hollnagel, E. | 2344 |
Resilience and brittleness in a Nuclear Emergency Response Simulation | Costa, W. S., Voshell, M., Branlat, M., Woods, D., Gomes, J. O., Buarque, L. | 2480 |
Resilience assessment based on models of functional resonance | Woltjer, R. | 3405 |
Resilience in rail engineering work | Ferreira, P., Clarke, T., Wilson, J., Sharples, S., Ryan, B. | 1935 |
Resilience in the training of nuclear operators - a view from the shop floor | Hildebrandt, M. | 2202 |
Resilience, adaptation and improvisation - increasing resilience by organising for successful improvisation | Grøtan, T. O., Størseth, F., Rø, M. H., Skjerve, A. B. | 4713 |
Securing organizational resilience in escalating situations: Development of skills for crisis and disaster management | Bergström, J., Petersen, K., Dahlström, N. | 2266 |
The art of balance: a study of conflicting goals in a change intensive system | Tjørhom, B. B., Aase, K. | 3832 |
The ERTMS railway signalling system: deals on wheels? An inquiry into the safety architecture of high speed train safety | Dekker, S., Stoop, J. | 3504 |
The quantification of resilience: learning environments and managing risk | Duffey, R. B. | 2739 |
Towards an integrated vulnerability and resilience analysis for underground infrastructures | Cagno, E., Grande, O., Trucco, P. | 2441 |
When worlds collide: interactions between inpatient and outpatient medication administration systems | Wears, R. L., Perry, S. J., Spillane, J. | 1568 |
Can remote operations of process facilities in the oil and gas industry become more resilient based on common experiences from other industries? | Andersen, S. & Johnsen, S. O. | 2716 |
Using simulation of accidents to assess resilience capacities of organizations: Do aircrews trained and working within a same organization develop similar adaptive strategies to cope with complex situations? | Bourgeon, L.; Valot, C. & Navarro,C. | 1918 |
Using subjective measures to monitor the systems’ capability to manage complexity – evidence from the nuclear industry and health care | Oedewald, P. & Reiman, T. | 2251 |
A conceptual and methodological comparison with the field of child resilience | Le Coze, J. C. & Capo, S. | 1848 |
A model of resilience to guide accident investigations | Lundberg, J. & Johanssen, B. | 3952 |
A review of the processes for tailoring models for a priori safety and risk management within industry | Steele, K.P & Paries, J. | 3531 |
Adaptive Capacity: Electric Power Restoration in New York City following the 11 September 2001 Attacks | Mendonca, D. & Wallace, W. A. | 3142 |
All coherence gone: New Orleans as a resilience failure | Westrum, R. | 4618 |
Contributions and limitations of “drift into failure” and “safety boundaries” identification and management in accident investigations | Aslanides, M. | 3001 |
Extemporaneous adaptation to evolving complexity: A case study of resilience in healthcare | Perry, S. J.;Wears, R. L. & Anderson, B. | 1893 |
Goal conflicts in helicopter safety: Dilemmas across maintenance, pilots, and management | da Mata, T. F.; Santos, A. G.; Abech, M. P.; Gomes, J. O.; Huber, G. J. & Woods, D. D. | 2238 |
Growing resilience engineering through safety culture: the example of process safety in pharmaceutical chemistry | Chevreau, F.R. | 3309 |
How to prevent a Normal Accident in a High Reliable Organisation? The art of resilience, a case study in the chemical industry | Le Coze, J. C. & Dupre, M. | 2710 |
Human defense-in-depth is dependent on culture | Komatsubara, A. | 2276 |
Information Technology (IT) in Resilient Logistics | Grøtan, T. O. & Asbjørnslett, B. E. | 2013 |
Interactive Elaboration Method for Flight Deck Display based on Internal and External Knowledge Representations of Expert Pilots | Karikawa, D.;T akahashi, M.; Ishibashi, A. & Kitamura, M. | 2727 |
Limits on adaptation: Modeling Resilience and Brittleness in Hospital Emergency Departments | Anders, S.; Woods, D. D.; Wear, R. L. & Perry, S. J. | 3354 |
Making safety by tying the knot | Lützhöft, M.; Sherwood Jones, B.; Earthy, J. V. & Bergquist, C. | 2549 |
Missed or failed error recovery in medication errors | Habraken, M. & van der Schaaf, T. | 2500 |
Model-based evaluation of resilience for networked aviation system | Beauchamp, E. | 2803 |
Modelling operational systems | McDonald, N. & Morrison, R. | 1685 |
Next Generation Air Transportation System: Human- Automation Interaction and Organizational Risks | Sheridan, T. B. | 2389 |
On The Art of Creating and Managing Policies: Facilitating the Emergence of Resilience | Sundström, G. A.& Hollnagel, E. | 3166 |
Perceived complexity versus internal complexity What happens when things go wrong? | Boy, G. & Bradshaw, J. | 2301 |
Pitfalls in predefining the safety performance of the future Air Traffic Management system if using a nonresilient safety assessment approach | Sträter, O.; Leonhardt, D.; Durrett, D. & Hartung, J. | 2344 |
Proposition of a conceptual and a methodological modelling framework for resilience engineering | Rigaud, E. & Guarnieri, F. | 2633 |
Reasoning about human error by modelling cognition and interaction | Blandford, A.; Back, J.; Curzon, P.; Li, S. & Rukšenas, R. | 2433 |
Resilience and Safety Management System | Dijkstra, A. | 8776 |
Resilience Engineering: A Nascent Approach to Measurement | Wreathall, J. & Woods, D. D. | 2314 |
Resilience of a telecoms supervision and maintenance organization | Boissieres, I. & Marsden, E. | 2994 |
Resilience of Emergency Response System | Kanno, T. & Furuta, K. | 2893 |
Resilience of maintenance organization in a chemical industry | Tazi, D. & Amalberti, R. | 3720 |
Resilience, Safety management, Social structuralism and Systemic adaptation | Specht, M. & Poumadere, M. | 2390 |
Risk informed operations, a key element to control drifting in the safety space | Herrera, I. A.; Tveiten, C. K. & Tinmannsvik, R. K. | 3259 |
Rules management as source for loose coupling in high-risk systems | Grote, G. | 2981 |
The design of robust socio technical systems | Pavard, B.; Dugdale, J.; Narges, B.& Salembier, P. | 3985 |
The interplay between work practices and prescription: a key issue for organizational resilience | Nathanael, D. & Marmaras, N. | 2649 |
The role of nuclear power plant operators’ communications in providing resilience and stability in system operation. | de Carvalho P.V.R.; dos Santos I. L.; Gomes J. O. & da Silva Borges, M. R | 2901 |
Towards a new state of resilience of the sea fishing industry? | Morel, G | 2377 |
Towards a new tool for measuring Safety Management Systems performance | Cambon, J.;Guarnieri, F. & Groeneweg, J. | 4678 |
Unexampled Events, PRA, and Resilience | Epstein, S. | 2294 |
Using complexity theories to reveal emerged patterns that erode the resilience of complex systems | Zabourtis, N. & Wright, P. | 2864 |
Using simulation of accidents to assess resilience capacities of organizations | Wybo, J. L.; Jacques, J.-M. & Poumadere, M. | 2185 |
Vigilance: a process contributing to the resilience of organisations | Brizon, A. & Wybo, J. L. | 2899 |
“Free fall” – a case study of resilience, its degradation, and recovery in an emergency department | Wears, R. L. & Perry, S. J. | 2433 |