All symposia papers

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Resilience Engineering In Healthcare Moving From Epistemology To Theory And PracticeAnderson Et Al 4004
A Fuzzy Model To Assess Resilience For Safety ManagementGrecco Et Al 2842
A Method For Visualizing Trade-offs In En-route Air Traffic Control TasksKirakawa Et Al2975
Actions Contributed To Disaster Level Reduction Of The Fukushima AccidentTakahashi & Kitamura 2388
Analysis Of Resilience In Offshore Logistics And Emergency Response Using A Theoretically Based ToolOse Et Al 2644
Analysis Of The Human Role In The Resilience Of Air Traffic ManagementStroeve Et Al 2163
Are Trade-offs Experienced And If Yes, How Studying Organizational Resilience Through Operators’ DilemmasNathanael Et Al1638
Assessing Behaviour Towards Organizational Resilience In AviationHeese Et Al 5291
Assessing Rio De Janeiro Municipality’s Natural Disaster Prevention Program Against The UN’s Hyogo ProtocolDe Souza Et Al1918
Balancing Efficiency And Safety In Maritime Traffic Management When Approaching A PortVan Westrenen 2743
Characteristics Of Complex Socio-Technical Systems And Guidelines For Their Management The Role Of ResilienceSaurin Et Al 2901
Considering Trade-offs When Assessing ResilienceRigaud & Martin3144
Customer Satisfaction Plays An Important Role A Model To Improve Resiliency Of ICT Service MaintainersTakayama Et Al2700
Developing Resilience SignalsSiegel & Schraagen2617
Episodic Adaptations And Trade-offs Examples From The Victorian Construction IndustryPillay & Borys 2050
How The Simplification Of Work Can Degrade Safety A Gas Company Case StudyBlazsin Et Al 2302
Identifying Imbalances In A Portfolio Of Safety Metrics The Q4-Balance Framework For Economy-Safety TradeoffsWoods Et Al 1517
Levels Of Resilience Moving From Resilience To Resilience EngineeringWears & Morrison2244
Modeling Trade-offs' Consequences Propagation And Their ImpactsRigaud Et Al2207
Organisational Factors For Enhancing Train Drivers Proactive BehavioursFujino Et Al2584
Performance Variability Black And White Or Shades Of GreyCornelissen Et Al.1838
Planning Measuring Resilience Potential And Early Warnings (SCALES)Herrera Et Al 2032
Precepts Of Resilience Engineering As Guidelines For Learning Lessons From The Fukushima-Daiichi AccidentKitamura2693
Reducing The Potential For Cascade Recognizing And Mitigating Situations That Threaten Business ViabilityWalker Et Al 2545
Regulating Interactions Across Multiple Centres Of ControlIgbo Et Al2123
Resilience In ATM Operations Incorporating Robustness And Resilience In Safety AssessmentWoltjer Et Al3094
Sending Up A FLARE Enhancing Resilience In Industrial Maintenance Through The Timely Mobilization Of Remote ExpertsLay & Branlat756
Structure, Agency, And ResilienceHunte Et Al 2832
The Relevance Of Resources For Resilience At Different Organizational Levels Within The Military Deployment CycleKamphuis & Delahaij2660
The Resilience Analysis Matrix (RAM) Visualizing Functional Dependencies In Complex Socio-technical SystemsLundberg & Woltjer2613
The Stress-Strain Model Of Resilience Operationalizes The Four Cornerstones Of Resilience EngineeringWoods Et Al 3372
To Certify, To Investigate Or To Engineer, That Is The QuestionStoop1844
Trade-Offs As Symptoms Of Mismatches Between Sociotechnical SystemsMoriarty & Jarvis2308
Trade-Offs Between Safety And Production During Technical Assistance Of An AircraftDiCioccio & Morel3047
Trade-offs In The Planning Of Rail Engineering WorkFerreira Et Al 2638
Training Of Resilience Skills For Safer Railways Developing A New Training Program On The Basis Of Lessons From Tsunami DisasterHaga Et Al1756
Translating Resilience A Framework To Enhance Communication And ImplementationLongstaff Et Al 3504
Turning Variability Into Emergent SafetyBracco Et Al.2597
UAS In (inter)national AirspaceBakx & Nyce1180
Under Dangerous Conditions Safety Construction And Safety-related Work Onboard Of Merchant VesselsPraetorius & Lundh 1783
Understanding Resilience In Flight OperationsDijkstra, A.3761
“Staying Ahead Of The Aircraft” And Managing Surprise In Modern AirlinersRankin Et Al 2357
Designing resilient socio-technical systems - a case study of railway tunnel projects (slides)Cedergren, A.3349
Evaluation of organizational resilience : application to essential systems in Quebec (slides)Catalan,C., Robert, B.4102
Generating resilience: Handling extraordinarily high work load in high three (Intensity, Technology, Reliability) maintenance work (slides)Lay, B., Hecht, J., Shaefer, S.2609
Risk assessment of critical communication infrastructure in railways. (slides)Johnsen, S. O.4606
A comprehensive approach to assess organizational resilienceStolker, R., Karydas, D. M., Rouvroye, J. L., van Gestel, P., Roset, S., Ratelband, A. E.7729
A method for assessing health and safety management systems from a resilience engineering perspectiveCostella, M. F., Saurin, T. A., Guimaraes, L. B. de M.5285
A quick and dirty evaluation of resilience enhancing properties in safety critical systemsJohansson, B., Lindgren, M.3256
A systems dynamics representation of resilienceWears, R. L., Perry, S. J.4095
Agility and resilience in offshore operationsWahl, A. M., Brurok, T., Sleire, H.2868
BP Texas City accident: weak signals or sheer power?Le Coze, J. C.1016
Challenges facing Resilience Engineering as a theoretical and practical projectMcDonald, N.2763
Characterisation of the variation in Safety Beliefs across the European Aviation IndustrySteele, K., Pariès, J.2251
Cognitive resilience in Emergency Room operations, a theoretical frameworkBracco, F., Gianatti, R., Pisano, L.3117
Cognitive strategies in emergency and abnormal situations training: implications for resilience in Air Traffic ControlMalakis, S., Kontogiannis, T.4548
Coordination in hospitals: organized or emergent process? Towards the idea of Resilience as the agents', groups', systems' capacity to project themselves into the futureA. S. Nyssen1607
Encouraging people to do resilienceKomatsubara, A.2802
Enhancing inter-organizational resilience by loose coupling concept and complexity paradigmLalouette, C., Pavard, B.3273
Evolution of complex systems before, during and after crisisJacques, J. M.1966
From Flight Time limitations to Fatigue Risk Management SystemsCabon, P., Mollard, R., Debouck, F., Chaudron, L, Grau, J. Y., Deharvengt, S.2629
Identifying resilience in emergency response storiesdos Reis,, M. I.2641
Improving Resilience by "Pinging" to determine risk profile changes during maintenance workLay, B., Wreathall, J.1400
Is Resilience Engineering realist or constructivist?Le Coze, J. C. & Pettersen, K.3080
Is Safety Quality? Is Quality Safety?Cardiff, KA.2006
Leading indicators applied to maintenance in the framework of resilience engineering: a conceptual approachHerrera, I.2817
Methodological issues in the quest of resilience factors2310
Modelling risk in Financial Services Systems: A Functional Risk Modelling PerspectiveSundstrom, G. A. & Hollnagel, E.2360
Resilience and brittleness in a Nuclear Emergency Response SimulationCosta, W. S., Voshell, M., Branlat, M., Woods, D., Gomes, J. O., Buarque, L.2498
Resilience assessment based on models of functional resonanceWoltjer, R.3444
Resilience in rail engineering workFerreira, P., Clarke, T., Wilson, J., Sharples, S., Ryan, B.1950
Resilience in the training of nuclear operators - a view from the shop floorHildebrandt, M.2225
Resilience, adaptation and improvisation - increasing resilience by organising for successful improvisationGrøtan, T. O., Størseth, F., Rø, M. H., Skjerve, A. B.4784
Securing organizational resilience in escalating situations: Development of skills for crisis and disaster managementBergström, J., Petersen, K., Dahlström, N.2274
The art of balance: a study of conflicting goals in a change intensive systemTjørhom, B. B., Aase, K.3851
The ERTMS railway signalling system: deals on wheels? An inquiry into the safety architecture of high speed train safetyDekker, S., Stoop, J.3546
The quantification of resilience: learning environments and managing riskDuffey, R. B.2764
Towards an integrated vulnerability and resilience analysis for underground infrastructuresCagno, E., Grande, O., Trucco, P.2453
When worlds collide: interactions between inpatient and outpatient medication administration systemsWears, R. L., Perry, S. J., Spillane, J.1579
Can remote operations of process facilities in the oil and gas industry become more resilient based on common experiences from other industries?Andersen, S. & Johnsen, S. O.2729
Using simulation of accidents to assess resilience capacities of organizations: Do aircrews trained and working within a same organization develop similar adaptive strategies to cope with complex situations?Bourgeon, L.; Valot, C. & Navarro,C.1931
Using subjective measures to monitor the systems’ capability to manage complexity – evidence from the nuclear industry and health careOedewald, P. & Reiman, T.2263
A conceptual and methodological comparison with the field of child resilienceLe Coze, J. C. & Capo, S.1856
A model of resilience to guide accident investigationsLundberg, J. & Johanssen, B.3982
A review of the processes for tailoring models for a priori safety and risk management within industrySteele, K.P & Paries, J.3554
Adaptive Capacity: Electric Power Restoration in New York City following the 11 September 2001 AttacksMendonca, D. & Wallace, W. A.3155
All coherence gone: New Orleans as a resilience failureWestrum, R.4640
Contributions and limitations of “drift into failure” and “safety boundaries” identification and management in accident investigationsAslanides, M.3013
Extemporaneous adaptation to evolving complexity: A case study of resilience in healthcarePerry, S. J.;Wears, R. L. & Anderson, B.1906
Goal conflicts in helicopter safety: Dilemmas across maintenance, pilots, and managementda Mata, T. F.; Santos, A. G.; Abech, M. P.; Gomes, J. O.; Huber, G. J. & Woods, D. D.2246
Growing resilience engineering through safety culture: the example of process safety in pharmaceutical chemistryChevreau, F.R.3334
How to prevent a Normal Accident in a High Reliable Organisation? The art of resilience, a case study in the chemical industryLe Coze, J. C. & Dupre, M.2722
Human defense-in-depth is dependent on cultureKomatsubara, A.2285
Information Technology (IT) in Resilient LogisticsGrøtan, T. O. & Asbjørnslett, B. E.2023
Interactive Elaboration Method for Flight Deck Display based on Internal and External Knowledge Representations of Expert PilotsKarikawa, D.;T akahashi, M.; Ishibashi, A. & Kitamura, M.2739
Limits on adaptation: Modeling Resilience and Brittleness in Hospital Emergency DepartmentsAnders, S.; Woods, D. D.; Wear, R. L. & Perry, S. J.3384
Making safety by tying the knotLützhöft, M.; Sherwood Jones, B.; Earthy, J. V. & Bergquist, C.2568
Missed or failed error recovery in medication errorsHabraken, M. & van der Schaaf, T.2514
Model-based evaluation of resilience for networked aviation systemBeauchamp, E.2811
Modelling operational systemsMcDonald, N. & Morrison, R.1697
Next Generation Air Transportation System: Human- Automation Interaction and Organizational RisksSheridan, T. B.2407
On The Art of Creating and Managing Policies: Facilitating the Emergence of ResilienceSundström, G. A.& Hollnagel, E.3183
Perceived complexity versus internal complexity What happens when things go wrong?Boy, G. & Bradshaw, J.2310
Pitfalls in predefining the safety performance of the future Air Traffic Management system if using a nonresilient safety assessment approachSträter, O.; Leonhardt, D.; Durrett, D. & Hartung, J.2359
Proposition of a conceptual and a methodological modelling framework for resilience engineeringRigaud, E. & Guarnieri, F.2643
Reasoning about human error by modelling cognition and interactionBlandford, A.; Back, J.; Curzon, P.; Li, S. & Rukšenas, R.2452
Resilience and Safety Management SystemDijkstra, A.8834
Resilience Engineering: A Nascent Approach to MeasurementWreathall, J. & Woods, D. D.2325
Resilience of a telecoms supervision and maintenance organizationBoissieres, I. & Marsden, E.3018
Resilience of Emergency Response SystemKanno, T. & Furuta, K.2904
Resilience of maintenance organization in a chemical industryTazi, D. & Amalberti, R.3734
Resilience, Safety management, Social structuralism and Systemic adaptationSpecht, M. & Poumadere, M.2400
Risk informed operations, a key element to control drifting in the safety spaceHerrera, I. A.; Tveiten, C. K. & Tinmannsvik, R. K.3272
Rules management as source for loose coupling in high-risk systemsGrote, G.3011
The design of robust socio technical systemsPavard, B.; Dugdale, J.; Narges, B.& Salembier, P.4005
The interplay between work practices and prescription: a key issue for organizational resilienceNathanael, D. & Marmaras, N.2661
The role of nuclear power plant operators’ communications in providing resilience and stability in system Carvalho P.V.R.; dos Santos I. L.; Gomes J. O. & da Silva Borges, M. R2921
Towards a new state of resilience of the sea fishing industry?Morel, G2396
Towards a new tool for measuring Safety Management Systems performanceCambon, J.;Guarnieri, F. & Groeneweg, J.4697
Unexampled Events, PRA, and ResilienceEpstein, S.2310
Using complexity theories to reveal emerged patterns that erode the resilience of complex systemsZabourtis, N. & Wright, P.2885
Using simulation of accidents to assess resilience capacities of organizationsWybo, J. L.; Jacques, J.-M. & Poumadere, M.2196
Vigilance: a process contributing to the resilience of organisationsBrizon, A. & Wybo, J. L.2918
“Free fall” – a case study of resilience, its degradation, and recovery in an emergency departmentWears, R. L. & Perry, S. J.2451