What we do
The Resilience Engineering Association is a community of thought leaders and industry experts, united to navigate complexity in an era of rapid, unpredictable change. Resilience Engineering acts as a portal, seamlessly connecting theory and practice, manoeuvering through complexity.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is composed of seven members elected by the General Assembly. Each of the seven members of this committee looks after a particular aspect of the day-to-day functioning of REA but it has been our tradition to make this a cooperative team that, despite working across the world finds ways of integrating multiple ideas and contributions to every decision and activity.
The formal roles and currently elected members of the Executive Committee are given below.
Elizabeth Lay, Forge Works, USA
The president has a main focus on strategic and longer-term decisions and calls upon the other members of the committee as needed. Ensures that the committee operates in such a way that it undertakes decisions emanated by the General Assembly, that activities are undertaken within the scope and remit of REA Statutes, and tends to formally represent the association.
Vice President
Mike Rayo, The Ohio State University, USA
The secretary focuses more on the internal coordination and functioning of the Committee. Ensures that decisions and activities undertaken by the different areas of the committee are taken forward in an integrated way. This for instance, includes making sure that initiatives under the scope of memberships are aligned with the communications activities so as to ensure that REA produces as much value as possible to its members and the wider community.
Josue Maia, Univeridade Federal do Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
The Treasurer ensures the financial stability of REA and budget execution. Calls on the Committee members to provide information on ongoing and planned activities so as to estimate expenditure and the remaining members of the Committee also call upon the Treasurer to provide input on any activity when available resources and financial means are to be pondered against Committee decisions.
Membership Development
Ben Goodheart, Magpie Human Systems, USA
The Membership management focuses on planning and enhancing the direct benefits that REA provides to its members. The aim is to ensure that such benefits are aligned with members expectations and needs, and also that any initiative or resource in this scope keeps pace with shifts in the wider community, evolutions of a scientific or industrial nature, or any other social changes that may be considered relevant for REA’s scope of action.
Young Talents Programme
Arie Adriensen,TU Delft, Netherlands and Elleke Ketelaars, University of Geneva, Switzerland
YT Support: Taro Kanno
The Young Talents programme engages with young researchers undertaking relevant research programmes (Master’s or Doctorate) and aims to support and foster research in the scope of Resilience Engineering. Beyond the planning, organisation and delivery of every edition of this programme alongside the REA Symposium, the focus is to maintain an alumni community engaged with REA’s activities and with the wider community.
Lida David, University of Twente, Netherlands
Communications Team: Webinars: Anthony Smokes, Maria Calero | Industry: Stephane De Wolf | Website: Thai Wood | Support: Sudeep Hedge
The Communications supports all other areas of work. The effectiveness and success of any REA activity or initiative strongly relies on its ability to engage with the wider community and thus, communications takes on a critical role. Communications focus on the planning, managing and editing of the REA newsletter and news issues. To this end the other areas of work are called upon to provide information on planned and ongoing activities and REA members in particular, are invited to produce contents and to act as invited editors for regular communication initiatives.
Honorary members
- Erik Hollnagel, Region of Southern Denmark, Denmark
- Dave Woods, Ohio State University, USA
- Jean Paries, ICSI/FONCSI
- Pedro Ferreira, Novellus Solutions, UK and CENTEC, University of Lisbon, Portugal