The Young Talents Workshop in the area of Resilience Engineering (RE) will take place on the 20th of October 2025, in conjunction with the 11th Symposium on Resilience Engineering, which successively takes place from the 20th to the 24th of October 2025 in Brazil.
What is the Young Talents Workshop?
The workshop is an initiative by the Young Talents Program of the Resilience Engineering Association (REA). During this one-day workshop, Masters’ and Ph.D. students within the fields of RE will have the opportunity to present their work to prominent researchers in the field of Resilience Engineering
Who can apply for the Young Talents Workshop?
Master’s and Ph.D. students who are currently pursuing research in the areas of RE can apply. More information on eligibility requirements is provided below under “What is required to become a Young Talent?” We aim for gender and geographical diversity.
What are the benefits of participating in the Young Talents Workshop?
The Young Talents workshop offers selected students a unique opportunity to participate in a one-day physical workshop in Brazil with some of the foremost experts in RE. In addition, you will take part in online preparation sessions before the Brazil workshop. Selected participants will be expected to present their research project or results in Brazil during a closed workshop the first day of the 11th Resilience Engineering Symposium; this presentation will be followed by personalized feedback from the RE experts and an opportunity for exchange. By attending the presentations of your peers, you will experience a full day of feedback with multiple RE experts. The discussions aim to give students a different perspective on their work, focusing on strengths and constructive critique. In summary, the workshop has the following aims:
- Provide students with feedback and advice on their research plans/progress.
- Provide selected graduate students with an opportunity to practice their oral presentation skills.
- Provide students with the opportunity to meet and engage with experts from different backgrounds working on topics related to RE.
- Facilitate interaction between graduate students and foster an exchange of ideas during and after the REA symposium.
- Market yourself as a researcher and learn how to promote your research results.
- Learn more about RE and connect with the RE community at the Symposium
The Young Talent program has been the entry point for many actively engaged in the REA organization. After the workshop, we encourage Young Talents to participate in further tasks in the REA community or the Young Talents Networks for future generations.
Is funding available to successful applicants?
Yes! We aim to have sufficient funding to cover 10 selected students. Participants selected for the workshop will be entitled to a reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs, and a reduced symposium fee with a maximum reimbursement of 1000 €.
How can I apply to participate in the Young Talents Workshop?
You should prepare an application package that includes:
- A cover page including your name, institution, department, and primary thesis advisor.
- A brief description (1000 words) of the work you are pursuing in the area of RE, using the following structure:
- Background/Motivation
- Clearly formulated research questions/hypotheses
- Method (actual or proposed)
- Work completed so far (e.g., planned research, completed pilot study, collected main data, analysis)
- Results (obtained/expected)
- Expected impact and future directions
- A brief description (1000 words) of the work you are pursuing in the area of RE, using the following structure:
- A letter of recommendation from your advisor stating that he/she supports your participation in the doctoral consortium. Your advisor should also include information about your need for travel funding to attend the conference. If your advisor is already covering your travel expenses, then they should state this and describe whether the funding will cover all or only some of your travel expenses. Similarly, if you have (or will) obtain funding via your university (e.g., graduate student council travel award), your advisor should state this and clarify whether you require additional funding to attend the conference. Note that the maximum reimbursement of € 1000 applies to all participants.
- A Curriculum Vitae (max two pages).
- A personal statement (max 400 words) explaining:
- Why you would like to participate in the Young Talents Workshop
- How does your work relate to the symposium’s theme, “Collaboration Across Boundaries for Adaptation in the Era of Complexity”
- What you would like to discuss during this day (e.g., what aspects of your research are you seeking specific feedback on)
- How you would like to contribute to the Young Talents network after the workshop, e.g., organizing the next Young Talents Workshop in 2025, writing a blog on the REA website, managing a social media account, launching a campaign for young researchers, etc. (don’t limit yourself to these examples)
The ideal candidate would be a student who has already developed some preliminary analyses for their research project or who has already collected partial or full data, prepared a thesis proposal, or contributed to (or developed) a method or model. To ensure that the research is relevant to RE, reviewers would typically look for the following themes:
- Measurement of resilient performance
- Modeling of complex socio-technical systems
- Adaptive capacity
- Socio-technical system design
- Joint Cognitive Systems
- Safety-II
- Cyber-resilience
- Proactive learning and risk management in complex systems
- Design and knowledge management for resilient performance
- Training concepts for resilient performance
- Influence and use of digital/cyber technologies on resilient performance
- Resilient performance quantification/indicators
- Contribution of digital/emerging technologies and industry 4.0/5.0 to resilient performance
To facilitate in-depth discussion during the workshop, the number of students admitted to the workshop is limited to 10 participants. The deadline for application is extended to the 30th of April 2025. The outcome of the review process will be announced to all applicants by the 15th of May 2025.
The application submission template can be accessed by clicking below:
Send your submission to