26-30 June 2023, Sophia Antipolis, France | Resilience at frontiers, frontiers of resilience

The Resilience Engineering Symposium is coming back to its place of birth in the sunny south of France. And what better time to go back than to celebrate the 10th edition of the symposium. There is much to revisit and reflect upon, and diverse future possibilities to explore. The theme for the 10th RE Symposium – Resilience at frontiers, frontiers of resilience – aims to focus on precisely that.
Using concepts of frontiers, borders, or boundaries in Resilience Engineering involves a paradox. On the one hand, they are omnipresent; on the other hand, the nature of boundaries and their neighbourhood are rarely elaborated. Boundaries can be broadly defined as categories of difference that create distinctions between systems. They are a line between order relationships that creates a fuzzy zone-like phenomenon of inclusive disjunction identified as “neither/nor” or “both/and.” The goal of the symposium is to deepen the description of relationships between resilience capacities and boundaries:
- What is the nature of boundaries to be considered in Resilience Engineering studies?
- How do their nature and dynamic affect adaptive capacities?
- How do other boundaries (organisational, national, or geographical) affect systems’ adaptive capacities?
Guidance for the submission of academic and industrial contributions will be available at the symposium website: http://www.resilience-engineering10.org
Important dates
- Symposium dates: 26-30 June 2023 (including two days of workshops)
- Paper submission deadline: 30 October 2022
- Acceptance: 15 December 2022
- Final revised paper deadline: 30 January 2023
- Industrial testimony and visual representation studies deadline: 15 January 2023
What else will be happening at the RE 10th Symposium
Honouring Richard Cook’s work and legacy
We would like to bring your attention to a very special initiative that is to be launched at the RE 10th Symposium. In line with the wishes of Richard Cook’s family and friends, REA will be honouring Richard’s work and legacy through a dedicated session and other initiatives that will focus on supporting and funding work on RE-related topics. More information will be available as detailed planning progress but in the meantime, we would be very happy to hear any suggestions or thoughts on Richard’s work that you may want to share. Please email us what’s on your mind.
Young Talents Workshop
The symposium will also host a Young Talents Workshop! During this one-day workshop, Masters’ and PhD students within the fields of Resilience Engineering will have the opportunity to present their work to prominent researchers in the field. Find more details here.
Executive Committee Elections
The pandemic has imposed unprecedented challenges and for the REA Executive Committee (EC), this has meant ensuring that the livelihood of our community would persevere. Throughout this very demanding period, the 9th edition of the symposium took place under a unique format and conditions, our website has seen a growing volume of activity from our members and from the wider public, a number of online initiatives were launched, and we also registered a steady growth of memberships.
Current members of the EC will (to some extent) remain involved in REA’s activities but it is time to give way to new ideas and views. The 10th RE Symposium will be an opportunity to bring back our face-to-face General Assembly, during which elections for new EC members will be held. We would love to hear your thoughts on the future of REA and how you would see yourself contributing. We also strongly encourage all of our members to step forward as a candidate for one of our 6 EC functions (President, Secretary, Treasurer, Young Talents, Communications or Membership Officer). For more details or information please contact us via email.
Come and join us at Mines Paris for yet another unique opportunity for open discussions and reflections!
Symposium: http://www.resilience-engineering10.org
Stay tuned through REA: https://www.resilience-engineering-association.org