By Francesco Simone and Antonio J. Nakhal A., Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) |
REA is glad to present analytics on the last 15th Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making & 9th Symposium on Resilience Engineering held in hybrid mode in Toulouse, France; Columbus, USA and online from 21 to 24 June 2021. This report contains data about participants, speakers, and contributions (manuscripts or posters) presented during the symposium. The report includes three main pages.

- The first one contains general summary about the event and data by country and type of submissions.
- The second one illustrates the keywords of the event as proposed by authors in their manuscripts.
- The third one presents detailed description of each manuscript data, including abstract, complete authors list, keywords, etc.
Every dashboard has been designed and tested to ease usability. It allows users to interact with data dynamically: to apply filters or highlight one or more fields; to drill-through for in-depth investigations. In other words, you can filter each graph or table according to your needs!
Whether you are an experienced Resilience Engineering scholar and attended the symposium, or unluckily you missed this one, or whether you are new and just approaching the field…we trust you will find the content handful and informative!
You can visit the Dashboard here. Check out this video for a short demo!