Resilience is a Verb

On the 13th of May 2019, the DARWIN Community of Practitioners (DCoP) hosted a webinar with Professor David Woods, entitled ‘Resilience is a Verb’. David Woods is a professor at Ohio State University, and former president of both the Resilience Engineering Association, and the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. For over forty years, he has worked to improve systems safety in high risk settings and advised organisations on critical issues in human-machine systems.

In this webinar, Prof. Woods discusses how resilience engineering studies in real settings have revealed patterns in adaptation in complex networks and discovered surprising new fundamentals about how all adaptive systems work — fundamentals that overturn assumptions made by many disciplinary areas of study. The result is a novel pragmatics for interventions to build adaptive capacities in organizations producing/undergoing scale change and extensive interconnections.

This webinar is organised by the DARWIN Community of Practitioners (DCoP) a network of more than 200 resilience experts for the sharing of best practices and knowledge about disaster resilience.

The full webinar is now available to watch right here: